Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trouble the Water: Are You Interested in this Film?

A friend sent me a link to a movie trailer today and I thought I'd share it with you. It's a documentary called, Trouble the Water. It's about hurricane Katrina victims as they try to survive and reclaim their lives. Watch this clip and let me know if this film has your interest. What's the media impact angle here? Can telling this story change opinions and ideas held about the victims of Katrina?


Chad's Blog said...

Hurricane Katrina is definitely one of Americas low points. I feel pity for those effected but I can't help but wonder why people constantly expect the govt. to do everything for them. If you're going to ignore evacuation/flood warnings and live in a location with "geographic vulnerabilities"- you shouldn't be surprised when you end up on your roof waiting for someone to save you. America was created by strong people who stood on their own two feet in hard times- what does Katrina exhibit about that strength? Individuals must be proactive in their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Jon said...

To be honest, a documentary about a group of people banding together and surviving hurricane katrina would not be of that much interest to me.
However, to those who go for that kind of thing, make sure to separate the facts in this film from the opinions inserted by the film makers. If this is anything like Fahrenheit 9/11 or Zeitgeist, both of which the makers of this film are associated with, viewers will be in for an abundance of government-bashing, biased half-truths presented as fact.
That's just my opinion though; I'm sure it's a powerful documentary.

Tina said...

I was thinking everyone should watch this as part of America's history, but Chad and Jon have a point. The victims were warned and they shouldn't rely on the government for ignoring the dangers.