Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Get Your Hate On: The Protest Over FaceBook's Facelift

I've heard that many of my students are Facebook users...(insert duh face here). I've also heard rumblings about the social networking behemoth's new look, and that some people are less than thrilled about it. Well, leave it to a few socialmedialites (get it?) to start a protest. No, make that a few million people!

So, my fellow students and FaceBook addicts, what are your thoughts on this protest? Do you think it will have an impact? Are you going to boycott the site during the protest in a few weeks? Or, should people quit whining?

And for those not in the know...what's the big deal about the new FaceBook?


Chelsea's Blog said...

At first, I didn't like the new facebook mainly because it was new to me and I didn't get the gist of it. I did like the old facebook a little bit better because it was simple and got straight to the point, but after using the new facebook, I'm getting use to it so it's not all that bad. I don't think people should get all mad about it. They should accept change and deal with it.

J said...

Like Chelsea, I didn't like it at first, but I do like it know. I like how things are sorted, but at first it took longer to load and I still don't like how may profile is set up. Facebook users are just gonna have to get used to it, including me. Although I'm likely to complain a little more.

Jada said...

I do not like the new facebook at all! I have gotten used to it after being very confused at first, but I still like the old one better. I don't understand why they changed the old one in the first place, but there are many groups and bumperstickers protesting the new facebook. Hopefully if enough people complain about it they will change it back, but who knows?

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say: hey, stop bitching about it already! Jeeze, people take it so seriously like it's a life-altering kind of thing. It's not, get over it! It just takes some getting used to. It's not that difficult once you find your way around. No I don't like it at all either, and yes I complained about it when it first started, but am I going to keep whining about it like a baby till I get what I want? No. How childish is that? It's a social networking site, people! You should be thankful that these people even went to all the trouble of making this great site where we can connect with one another and allowing people like me and you to use it!

Lillith Renee said...

Okay, the new facebook is not my favorite thing in the world but hey, aren't we supposed to be the most media adaptable generation? I think if people would stop complaining and at least try to figure it out it they would be a lot happier with their lives [this doesn't pertain just to Facebook :)]. I also think there are kinks to be worked out of the system, however obviously these guys know what they are doing, I mean they did invent this site from scratch. Plus, if someone really hates it that much, they can invent a new one and stop complaining so much.

matthew r. said...

Facebook's old setup used to bother me, so i think the new one's better. It happens to be a lot more navigable. It also seems to me that Facebook is getting more like myspace and myspace is getting more like Facebook. I believe this will happen to the point that no one will even know the difference. Even though the new Facebook set up completely rocked my world, i think that everyone should stop complaining.

Jennifer said...

I hate the new facebook also. I think every got so upset because people hate change, especially when the users have no say or input.

Anonymous said...

to tell you the truth i like the new facebook. I like the look the feel the easiness of it and how much faster it takes the pictures to load up for viewing. i don't know if this is true but i heard that they might start charging for the service?

Bruce said...

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a while. This sounds like nothing more than a scam to put "Facebook" out there and to get people to join. I have a facebook profile and I like the new look and features on it. I don't see what the big fus is over.

Julian said...

It is freaking facebook people. Boo hoo stop whining about it. You're all still going to get online and chat with your friends every chance you can get just as much as before they changed it. Build a bridge and get over it

Anonymous said...

Quite frankly, I'm not certain that Facebook's format should be the object of such a debacle. Every single application and function transferred from old to new, and the new version even includes some new applications and options. Most everyone who uses Facebook is tech savvy, and we can all navigate complex pages with ease, so the entire basis for the argument that the new facebook stinks is that all the buttons aren't in the same place. Give me a break...