Friday, September 12, 2008

A Spiffier Media Talk

I bet you're doing a double take right about now, wondering if this is the right blog or not. Hope you like the new look! I have to give props to a certain Multimedia Production major here at Lindenwood (you know who you are). He's the one who created the banner. I only dream of being that artistic.

In class you hear me nag about how communications students should be creative, well it was time for me to step up to a custom banner. If you get the urge to create one for your blog (or find someone who can), let me know and I'll be sure to direct attention your way so everyone can appreciate it.

As this blog grows, I'm sure I'll be tweaking things again. So, what's the verdict, you like?


J said...

I am loving the new page, it really sets the tone for your classes! The creater definitly did a wonderful job! He would be good in web page design or graphics design.

Alana said...

THAT'S SUPER COOL!!! It definitly matches our most recent topic... and you crack me up.. "Spiffy" I love it! (And I want to learn how to do this!!)

Sara Gress said...

Yeah I definitely took a second look! I wasn't sure if this was the right page. I like it though...very nice.

Jennifer said...

ya i love it.

Lillith Renee said...

I like it. It looks more modern. The black background does something for the page. cool.

Tina said...

nice job! Much easier to read and navigate!

erin mahoney said...

I think the page is awesome, it definitely catches your eye!

Chelsea's Blog said...

It looks great!! It's much more eye catching!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new look Media Talk has. It's fresh, it's fun yet still has a professional-like feel to it, it's completely different, with the black background it makes it ultra-modern in a way... I like it a lot!