Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Seinfeld Microsoft Ads - Your Thoughts?

Just curious, because you are the "cool" generation and all...

What do you think about the new Microsoft ads featuring Jerry Seinfeld? Apparently, it's an effort to revamp the company's image. I'm sure you are all very familiar with the Mac is cooler than PC ads. Are these supposed to answer those?

I'm going to go on the record here and say that I am thoroughly confused. I do not understand the Seinfeld-Microsoft commercial. You tell me what you think...

Update: Here's a link to another one of these ads, courtesy of Jacob. Again, I'm a little confused. Do you think these are funny? I guess these ads are a series, as this newest one picks up where the above left off.


Chenae said...

Um I think it was supposed to be funny... but I didn't get it. I assume since they put Sienfield in it that it was supposed to be sarcastic, but personally I would have changed the channel within the first 5 to 10 seconds...

Jon said...

Hahah that's just Microsoft's attempt at identifying with the sarcastic college humor that's all over youtube right now.

Besides, Bill Gates has done videos like that before... check this out:

Anonymous said...

After the first viewing I did not understand a thing. However, after the second time around...I still did not understand a thing. I suppose the message could be a sarcastic response to the Mac commercials. However, adding to Chenae's comment, a commercial has to make some sense to keep the viewers attention. Simply dropping some names with Jerry Seinfeld and a rare Bill Gates appearance doesn't guarantee Microsoft the viewer's attention. I am unimpressed.

Andrew said...

I do not get it. I guess it was the commercial about nothing, like Seinfield (the show). I think Microsoft tried a bit to hard and failed... however I do like the idea of a cake computer... actually that sounds expensive. I do not understand this ad.

Joshua said...

it took me a couple of times to figure out what they were trying to say... yeah it was sarcastic a bit, but i have to laugh a little. Bill Gates used another comedy celebrity just like the justin guy in apple. I think it was funny they were trying on shoes to get just the right fit. The name of the shoe was funny also. The Conquestador, or conquerer. Bill Gates almost had a monopoly over the computer empire. Bill doesn't talk much either, but kind of lets Jerry do all that. I think that i might keeping watching this add maybe waiting for something out of the ordinary to happen. Of course we're talking about Jerry Seinfeld, who is more of dry humor than hysterical laughter. Its not some upper class shoe store either, so when he pulled his card out from before he was rich kind of gave him an almost normal guy appearance... geek humor?

Lillith Renee said...

i believe this was all about giving microsoft a real person image. For years, Bill Gates has been someone you just don't see very often... and now that apple has given their company a face, I believe that was the goal of Microsoft here. Also, at the end when Seinfeld says something about turning computers into cakes I think that was poking fun at Apple's attempt to make the computer more "kid friendly". Just my opinion...

Anonymous said...

I don't get it either. I think it's supposed to be one of those commercials that after watching it you go: "What?! That made no sense!" While others say: "Well that was a complete waste of 2 minutes of my life." I think if you actually laugh at this commercial, it's just because it's one of those wow-this-is-such-a-pointless-crazy-kind-of-stupid-commercial-that-doesn't-tell-anything-about-the-product-they're-trying-to-sell kind of commercials. And I think that because of its pointlessness, people will watch it, remember the commercial and who made it, and possibly consider purchasing the product the next time they find themselves in need of whatever product it is versus buying a different brand... All because of a stupid commercial that stuck in your head because it was so stupid? Maybe.