Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is Gen Y Getting Left Behind in the Classroom?

Hey, Gen Y, I found a fascinating article from PBS' MediaShift blog. I would love for you to check it out and leave your thoughts. It's written by an NYU journalism student and blogger. It has since caused some scandal at the university.

But it did get me thinking, are you feeling left behind? What would you like to see more/less of in your college courses? I'm asking this out of my own curiosity. (I request you don't name specific names here, just general comments about what you would like to see improved in your classrooms.)

What do you expect to learn by pursuing a communications or journalism degree?


Tori Benden said...

Slightly unrelated to your post, but I wanted to share a funny story from my class after yours. We had a class about how to navigate the library catalog on campus, so for fifty minutes we were given step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the site. I can't speak for everyone in the class, but I felt like I was wasting my time. While I'm not a computer wiz, I can navigate a website...especially one that is a search engine.

Just wanted to share.

Chenae said...

I think we are required to focus too much on textbooks. In a lot of my classes we are assigned reading and told we will be tested on it. When I do this I tend to memorize and forget instead of putting the information in my long term memory. I think that professors should engage us... we learn more!

Tina said...

I'm definitely not Gen Y, but Alana brings up a good point. Maybe our degree should implement one digital media class, or various media projects into our curriculum. The future seems all about the internet and as communication majors, we do need to know how to reach our audience. However, considering her strong defense, there are schools that offer digital media degrees, so she's going off about how she chose the wrong major. Interesting.