Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey, Gen Y, It's a Lettuce Virus!

I realize we haven't talked about viral marketing this semester yet (we will later), but I must hear your thoughts on this latest attempt by marketers trying to get your college cash (insert, "what cash?" here). According to this article on, Wendy's has launched a new "viral" campaign for it's "Baconater" burger.

Check it out:

In previous semesters, I've referenced Burger King and its Subservient Chicken as a case of viral marketing. (Tell me how much time you can waste on that website.)

Your Gen Y boy over at doesn't seem to think the lettuce-gone-wild will have much of an impact. I'll have to agree, since its hits on YouTube sit just above a thousand as I'm writing this. I'm going to admit that I did laugh at the lettuce, much more than I chuckled at the new Microsoft-Seinfeld ads.

So, here are my questions: do you think this viral marketing attempt will sell more burgers for Wendy's? Or, are you smart enough to sniff out a marketer, even if its wearing different clothing?


Clementine said...

Personally, I think it's ridiculous. I watched it and it made me think of how much funnier the Tiger Woods Golf Game YouTube bit was. I don't see how it would sell more burgers for Wendy's because it doesn't leave me thinking "oh hey, that was a Wendy's burger!", but rather makes me think "how the heck did they get that head of lettuce to devour it?"...The burger isn't the memorable part, I guess is what I'm getting at.

Andrew said...

Interesting... the burger did look delicious... well maybe that's because I missed lunch today. However the viral Wendy's "ad" is stupid... I only know it was a Wendy's burger because of the blog article. I did laugh a bit at the head of lettuce devouring the burger.

Even though I consider myself a fast food hamburger connoisseur I would have not thought... oh yes that is indeed a Wendy's burger. I truly dislike the viral ad campaign because it did not work.

ITS-GERDES! said...

Ok, I'm taking writing for electronic media right now, and i just wrote my first 30 second commercial about 20 mins. ago. I found this really funny. It's hard to write something that will capture the attention of our generation, r any other for that matter. I did "lol" whe the lettuce attacked the burger. I thought it was clever. It showed the product and it showed (some-sort-of) desire for the product plus it was funny. Kudos to Wendy's... I liked it

Joshua said...

i think it was hilarious. The way the lettuce is usually in the hamburger, but in this commercial the burger is in the lettuce really shows that this food looks so good maybe a vegetarian should eat it? I don't know... i'm just throwing weird ideas out there...

Tori Benden said...

Viral marketing is a hit or miss thing. I honestly think this is a poor example. A good deal of work and money went into making it, but it's still so commercial.

The Dark Knight did a great job with viral marketing. I was on the mailing list for Harvey Dent campaign updates and even received a phone call thanking me for my support. Before that, sites like were a mystery, and an intriguing one at that, featuring cryptic messages and "missions".

My idea of the perfect viral campaign gets the audience involved. This ad attempts to appeal to the youtube generation and fails.