Monday, September 8, 2008

Russell Brand - Funny or Offensive?

I'm starting to feel old. After watching snippets of MTV's Video Music Awards last night, I became curious about one thing...what do my students think of this? I mostly curious about the host, Russell Brand.

These awards have changed from the days I remember them as the "must watch" event at the beginning of the college school year. Well, you are the students now, you are the show's target audience. Tell me what you think. Funny or offensive? Great show or poor performances? Do shows like this set the agenda for what is "cool" and "popular" among young people anymore? Are they still relevant?


Sara Gress said...

Well I didn't actually watch the award show last night. From the commercials MTV aired promoting the award show I thought that Russell Brand was very strange! I didn't quite understand some of his humor.
I think that over the past few years of watching the awards show, I have learned that producers definitely try to portray an image of whats funny or popular to the viewers. In turn, I also think that the viewers and media feed off of shows like this. For example, when Brittany Spears and Madonna preformed together and had their kiss, that was talked about for years following it. I still see some shows talking about that kiss, and how long ago did that happen?

Chelsea's Blog said...

I pretty much thought that it was a good show overall. Some of it seemed unorganized and some of the performers (rihanna) didn't do too well.
Russell Brand is another story. Not only did I know of him but I also thought that it wasn't right for a british man to diss our nation by talking about George Bush. I am obviously a McCain supporter so having Russell tell all of the audience to vote for Obama was a little too much.
Russell would talk a lot about sex and joke about it. I didn't think that was appropriate for that audience at all. He also made a remark on the Jonas Brothers rings (I don't care too much for them) but it was funny how jordan sparks came out and told the audience that it was fine wearing a ring. So I'm pretty sure everyone took a little bit of offense to what he had to say so maybe in the future, the producers will take more time looking for a host that will be just right for the job.

Anonymous said...

I cannot say that I watched the Awards or that I had previously heard of Russell Brand. But I have now, and if I didn't have better things to do, I'd probably check out some of his work. Even bad publicity is still publicity.

Chenae said...

I'm going to on the record and say that I support Bush and think he did the best he could with what he was given so Brand was way out of line. I won't however dis him or his country... that's below me. From what I know about him, I don't like him, but then again I don't care for most comedians because they seem to concentrate on making everyone else look bad so no one will look at them. And I honestly didn't watch the show though I don't agree with a forigner hosting it.

Lillith Renee said...

I watched the show when Christina Aguilera Performed because, well she's my Idol. :) However, that aside, I think a lot of the music was new and inventive. As for the actual structure of the show and the host, I was less than ammused.

Breanna said...

I knew of Russell Brand from the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and I loved almost everything about the movie. I thought that his humor was odd, but worked for him. When I saw the promos that MTV was airing, I was looking forward to watching the show. However, I was a little disappointed when I was actually watching the awards. The entire night the hosts of the red carpet were saying how extravagant and elegant the night would be, and Russell did not fit the description at all. I did think that some parts of the show were very funny, but not worth sitting in front of the TV for hours. All in all a bit disappointing but what can you expect from a station that has shows like NEXT, Date My Mom, and Parental Control?

Rachel2010 said...

OK well I have to admit I am a bit of a nerd and looked forward to watching the show. Really I wanted to see Britney's big "comeback" so me and some other friends were ready to watch the big show. We used tivo because we had something else going on earlier that night so we all came over to my friend's house to watch the show. I personally thought Russel was pretty funny although he was really ackward I thought that was what made him funny. I liked his comment in the beginning about no one knowing who he was. I think maybe I liked him because his political comments didn't offend me. The show seemed really short (maybe because we fast forwarded through stuff we didn't care about watching) but it also didn't seem like many people were there. The camera kept panning to the same people in the audience. Plus I thought Chris Brown was performing and I was so sad when he wasn't.

Ashley P said...

I didn't mind having the VMAs on while I was doing homework to glance up at, but I was a little disappointed with the performances by the artists. I thought the host was extremely annoying, too. I don't think we should have a foreign host, either. The host didn't seem very funny, and I found his comments to be rude.

Jennifer said...

well like everyone else is thinking, who is russell Brand. He was not funny at all. But i didn't find his comments offensive really at all. Other hosts have said more offensive things.

Jill Falk said...

Thank you for your comments! I appreciate knowing what MTV's target audience thinks about the show. At the end of the day, we know what "controversy" does for anything, right? It sells something. MTV = controversy = ratings. That's usually how it goes.

Jesse said...

Russell Brand: No sense of style. No sense of respect. Russell is a typical comedian trying to get his name out there by saying whatever he can to get people's attention even at the expense of disrespecting a national leader. Bad form Brand... five year olds act the way you do...