Thursday, October 16, 2008

Something for Comm Majors to Ponder...Who Will You Lead?

Dear students,

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite bloggers, Seth Godin. I'll let him give you the details of his accomplishments on his website. He writes amazing, out-of-the-box blogs about marketing and new media that I read daily because I value his approach and fresh ideas. You've heard me talk consistently about the "changing media landscape" and question what it means to be a Mass Communications major these days. Are you acquiring skills that will be truly relevant in four years?

This is a hard question to answer. One that keeps me up and night. Seth has a great post today about marketing that I challenge you to read.

Please pay particular attention to the final paragraph of the post. That's the one I want to hear your comments on. How have our media and marketing worlds changed, and what are you going to contribute? What are you going to do to with your degree?

I ask this sincerely.


Tori Benden said...

I'm going into a branch of not-quite-marketing. In about seven years, I hope to be lobbying. I'll be creating connections that I can later manipulate, and forming opinions for the people who in turn operate the nation. Hopefully I will not only have this power, but I will also have the financial security to use it for good.

Then again, paying the bills will always have to come before saving the world.

Tina said...

Everyone has dreams and goals, but being successful can be challenging. I've lobbied on Capitol Hill with Lieberman, and revolutionized organizations through media tactics, but what we learn in our classes must be applied to experience. Otherwise,we get through the tests, and suppress knowledge. Leadership is about taking risks and staying focused on achieving the impossible. We can all impact the world by understanding how the media operates. Using the outlets attracts niche audiences which helps us promote our goal. Seth focuses on helping one become the leader of these outlets. Finishing my degree will help gain respect towards being that leader and ultimately, my tribe will leave a remarkable legacy.