Friday, October 24, 2008

COM 130 Blog Prompt: Electronic Industries Blog Post

Here is the information we discussed in class today about your next blog, due Friday, 10/31. I prefer two entries, 500 words total, not 500 words each. You can submit them together for Turn It In.

Two part assignment:

  • Television: Part 1 – How have the Internet and convergence impacted the television industry? Give specific examples with links to what you’re talking about.
  • The Internet: Part 2 – Tell me about your favorite blog (not any blog tied to this class). Explain the website’s multimedia components and why it is or is not effective.
    Again, give specific examples and links to what you’re talking about.
  • If you don’t have a favorite blog that you visit outside of this class, pick one from Brazen Careerist’s blogger community that interests you. Be sure to visit the blogger's actual website, not just his or her article for Brazen Careerist. Update: If Brazen Careerist bloggers don't tickle your fancy, perhaps one of Media Bistro's will. Check out its blogging community here.

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