Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Media Talk Web Bytes...or, What?

I'm going to start a new weekly post for you, but I'm having a brain fart as to what I should call it. You've probably realized I like to name things around here. For now, I've picked "Media Talk Web Bytes", but I'm not really sold on this. Previously, I chose "Link Round-Up", but felt that sounded too much like corn seed. I need your help. What should I call this? The goal is to provide you with clips, articles and buzz from the web that pertains to our course material, as well as content that might, just might, make you laugh.

Here's the first installment...

In case you missed the "roast" between presidential candidates Obama and McCain, here's a one-minute wrap-up from Current with the funniest quotes, proving these two might be better served just making us laugh once in a while than pointing fingers.

The dancing moose is my favorite part. Just when you thought SNL couldn't do any more or less for Sarah Palin...there's this...the Palin rap.

So, Gen Y wants to wear jeans to the workplace. Cool. Gen Y wants to work when they are most productive, not 9-5. I can dig it. How else can you revolutionize the workplace and why does this guy have beef people hating on Gen Y? This is you, people. Do you agree with his "utter crap" comment?

From chimps, to Android rappers to Apple ads. Think you know so-called viral videos? I found this great website that shows you the top 20, and how they are trending. I thought for sure I'd see the one my friend e-mailed me recently about a lady named Scarlett, but it wasn't there (skip to 2:45 for the laughs). Warning: this website will cause you to waste minutes of your life that you will never get back. Ever. Thanks, ninja cat.

Oh, and finally...your professor here joined Facebook. Yep. Call me an addict, but don't friend me up just yet...I need to figure out a policy for dealing with current students so I don't get in trouble.

Which "byte" was your favorite? Ideas for a less-corny name?


Domehead said...

The moose thing was hilarious... but why in the world would the McCain camp ever allow her to do something like that on the show. It just makes her look foolish.

Unknown said...

Ha! The Scarlett falling thing is hilarious! I'm still laughing :)

Unknown said...

Ha! The Scarlett falling thing is hilarious! I'm still laughing :)

Sara Gress said...

I have to say ninja cat is pretty funny! Cats are so sneaky.

Julian said...

The evolution of dance video is freaking sweet! Check it out! Home boy has some moves