Monday, October 13, 2008

Obama Ad Appears On Video Game Billboard

Talk about a changing media landscape! put this link up about an ad appearing in a video game called Burnout Paradise. Check out the article, and tell me what you think. Is this a good idea? What else is appearing in video games these days now that many gaming systems are connected to the Internet?


Tina said...

Unbelievable! The ad promotes his running, but a videogame is pretty extreme. I'm never around them so I'm not sure what else is out there.

Bruce said...

I think that it is great that Obama paid for an ad in a video game. He knows that the video game industry is extremely large and will get a lot of attention from the middle age gamers out there. Vote for Obama!

Julian said...

I think that it is a great idea to use all sources to promote whatever it is you're trying to get out to the people. Wether it be a an iPod advertisement or for a presidential campaign. Do work

Anonymous said...

If I didn't know that it'd be a useless effort, I'd vehemently oppose ads in video games. My basic premise for that viewpoint is that if I purchase a video game, I don't want Obama, McCain, or god-forbid Ralph Nader on my screen. I'm paying for the game play, not the advertisements. If I wanted to pay for ads, I'd watch cable TV. Now, in reality, I fully understand that politics will probably move into video games in the immediate future, as will other advertising. I just hope that there is extensive government regulation to prevent infringement and to keep video games enjoyable.