Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MTV's Digital Answer to the Question, "Where Has the M Gone in MTV?"

In COM 130 this week, we discussed the website Hulu as an example of media convergence, as well as an example of how on-demand videos are growing in popularity online.

I'm not sure what has taken MTV so long, but it's finally putting its wealth of music label connections and popular content online with a new site, MTVMusic.com.

There, you can search your favorite videos from the old, sober Britney to the what-were-we-thinking-in-the-80's Devo. Now, the obvious question...if most music videos are already widely available on YouTube, why use MTVMusic.com? You tell me...will this be successful? Oh, and what video did you search for first?


Jada said...

I think the new site is great! MTV is losing its touch and is turning into something that doesn't even have to do with music anymore. They are getting rid of TRL, which is the only music-based show left on the network. I think MTV needs to go back to their roots and start playing more music.

Jacob S said...

I think it's going to bomb pretty quickly. The first song I searched wasn't on there. I found only one song by the artist. I searched for numerous other artists and came up empty on most of them, with the artist not even on the sight. Of the videos I did find, they weren't the ones I was looking for. MTV continues to favor the Top 40. Stick with YOUTUBE for your music video needs.

Ashley P said...

MTV is completely going down hill. Yes, some of their TV shows are entertaining, but the show needs to go back to being all about the music industry. That's the reason why it became popular in the first place! TRL definetly needs to return.

Sara Gress said...

MTV has definitely lost it's music aspect over the years....so I think that this will be great! This will help MTV connect its self with it's name again (Music Television) since they have taken all of the music based tv shows off the air! Getting back to their roots will allow people to gain that M respect for MTV again.

Julian said...

TRL was the dumbest thing in the world! I hated watching that show! They showed you at first maybe a minute of the music video and then they had their guest celebrity of the day and interviewed them for ever then played another music video for a minute. And over the past couple of years the amount they show an actual music video seems like 20 seconds! It's absolutely dumb! And on mtv's website i haven't been able to always find the music videos i want. But...... tgihy( thank goodness I have YouTube) and i can find whatever i want whenever I want.

J said...

I don't know how well this website will do, but it's good MTV is going back to Music. I searched for some songs and I could only get three. I'm just gonna stick to youtube.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

MTV was so much better when the main focus of the channel was music! now it's just a totally different channel and they don't have any music a anymore! yes some of the shows are fun to watch...well maybe just 2 or 3 but the truth is that MTV is starting to suck! As far as the website goes, I searched a few songs and it's okay but Youtube is way better. I doubt it will become a popular site.