Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Half-Hour Pitch

Tonight, Sen. Barack Obama will air a 30-minute campaign program on all the major networks, except ABC, at 7:00p.m. It's reportedly a push to get those undecided voters.

I'd like you to weigh in after the program tonight. Was this move effective on Obama's part? What production values and connotative images did you notice? Was there anything in the video you believed worked against him and perhaps helped Sen. McCain?


Anonymous said...

I did not get a chance to watch it, but I will tell you how I Feel. I got an absentee ballot, I have already voted and sent in my ballot. I am not going to watch the news or anything about the election until January because I have a feeling that there are going to be a large amount of recounts and I am ready for all this to be over!

FrankieV said...

I feel this was one of the most strategic moves of the whole campaign because I feel Obama is using the "all or nothing" mentality. He knows McCain is on the ropes and he wants to finish it early