Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Made Gen Y Get Out the Vote?

Four years ago I remember a certain few celebrities, like Paris Hilton, stumping for the youth vote with Diddy's "Vote or Die" campaign. Everyone thought young people (you know who you are) would answer the call and prove to their elders they were not slackers at the ballot box.

Paris Hilton didn't even vote.

That was 2004.

What I gathered from the news coverage last night is that this year, things were different. Gen Y proved the once-apathetic young voting block does care and tipped the scales in Obama's favor. As a relatively new Facebook user, I was surprised how vocal my friends were when it came to stumping for their favorite candidate in their status the buzz certainly was out there. I see it in my classrooms too...students seem to care this time around.

I want to know, what made the difference for you this year, Gen Y?


Tina said...

I've voted the last few terms but this year I'm paying closer attention to how the media presents the candidates, well the former candidates, and the effect it's having across the country. It's always been white men and this year we've seen much more diversity including women. It's fascinating how vocal both sides are this year. This time especially, it felt like our vote counted because of the many different media vehicles used by candidates.

Ashley P said...

I was very eager to vote! Since I was little, I've always heard my parents talk about it and my parents have always encouraged me to vote constantly. I felt that my vote could count and I could make a difference. I wish we would do something about the electoral votes, so we would make a larger impact as voters.

Jake Lopez said...

For me, the importance of voting has always been instilled within me. Last election, I didn't see the significance of each candidate as I did in this election. I paid attention to details and understood my views and the opinions of others to further help me make my decision. This election sent a large message of importance to me. I was very eager to place my vote and make a difference this year, because I felt that the outcome of change was important. Needless to say, I voted for Barack Obama. I cannot agree with everything that my elect feels for, however I believe him to be the positive addition to the White House that we have long awaited for. I voted, not on the basis of his skin, but the content of his heart and the inspiration he provides. I hope that I am not left wanting or regretful due to my decision, yet, I have full confidence in Barack Obama to be what he has said himself to be. I believe we can and we will. The hope for change was inspiring and gave many more a reason to vote accordingly. I knew that I could be a part of history this year; and now I am...

Erin Mahoney said...

I personally think that Americans were wanting an overall change. The last eight years have been rough on everyone and people just needed a fresh start.

Jada said...

I think the difference this year is the way the election was advertised. Obama really reached out to Gen Y, by sending text messages, blogs and many ads over the internet. I think this year was also more controversial, so that made people want to learn more and become more involved. You mentioned people writing stuff on their facebook status about the election, and someone just told me a story about 4 football players around the country getting kicked off the team because of what they wrote about Obama becoming president on their facebook status.

Matt said...

I agree with Jeda. Obama's advertising was very Gen Y oriented. He focused of things that would interest a younger audience. In return, there was a much larger turn out and most of that turn out voted for Obama.

EmmaMcDaniel said...

This was my very first election to vote in, and I was extremely excited! For me, I really tried to become an educated voter, and really learn about the candidates before I made my decision. It seems, that the rest of the US did the same thing, and I think that is awesome! I couldn't tell you why exactly there were so many GEN Y voters, but I have a couple of guesses... first, I think that this has been the mosty "blown up" election there ever was! It seemed to me that this was the most publicized election there has ever been ... and that could have really strike people more! Second, the candidates really tried to reach the younger generation through you tube and other sources. It was definitely an exciting election .. you didnt know what was going to happen! Im not going to lie, I am sooo happy that campaigns are done! I guess we will have to see what is to come in the next election ...

Sara Gress said...

I think that all the ways the candidates could reach out to gen y really made a difference! I always saw ads on Facebook...and I think this grabbed gen y's attention. I was really eager to vote because this was the first Presidential election I could take part in.

Crystal Jenkins said...

Gen Y voted and stood out because they were determined to get the right person in the white house. No one wants more of the same. Its time for a change. Gen Y was determined to make this happen.