Monday, November 24, 2008

Yet, Another Name for Gen Y

Check out this video from an organization called, "Generation-We". After the video, leave your thoughts. Is this you? What do you agree or disagree with? Do you want to be part of this movement?

Generation WE: The Movement Begins... from Generation We on Vimeo.


J said...

Strong Movement! I agree with the whole thing and yes, I would take part in it.

Meagan A said...

I think that this was very motivational and I would deff support it. Our generation is defferent and we need to make a change

Lillith Renee said...

I think this is very well put together. It starts off telling us how great we are before telling us everything that is wrong with the world. I thinnk it puts a positive spin on our generations landscape which is nice considering all the bad things you hear about us on a regular basis.

Kelley Anne said...

Wow! Very moving video! The one thing I was sketchy about was all the five year olds sharing their political opinions. I'm wondering is those kids REALLY feel that way or they were told to say those things just for production purposes. Regardless, I think Gen-We is a great thing to believe in...

Unknown said...

Inspirational! I think it's a very powerful movement gen-we is a part of and I would be proud to say I was a part of it too.

Anonymous said...

I loved it and think the video is very well put together. It delivers the message to the audience and deff inspires the viewer! I agree with the enire thing and deff support it!

Matt said...

I am one.

Unknown said...

There is actually an entire book about gen-we!

Crystal Jenkins said...

Wow! What an awesome, inspiring, and motivating video! Yes! The message stands true. The new millennials are in danger and to help, just like those in the video stated, we have to come together as a nation now to give those in the future a proper place to live and government to run. This is an excellent video showcasing what should be done in the present to secure a positive future. Great!