Friday, November 21, 2008

Web Bytes: Phelps, Flacks and Chickens

Here is another installment of Web Bytes, where I attempt to bring you informative, entertaining, and relevant news items that relate to issues discussed in class this week (both COM 130 & COM 327). So, here's what's up for discussion this time:

Recently, my student bloggers analyzed that word Rift hates called, "convergence". Particularly, in the case of television. Text-messaging may not be the only problem for teachers in the future, but MTV's The Hills could be. What I'm getting at is the future of mobile television. Check out this link and let me know what you think. Is this something you see yourself using or demanding?

Also, we talked about Subway's Jared this week, but he may be taking a back seat to Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, as discussed in this AdAge article. What does Michael Phelps' celebrity status mean for Subway?

In COM 130 this week, we discussed the public relations industry and the term, "flacks". Just to prove it's regularly used, check out who won these coveted "flack/flak awards".

Many political operatives were honored in the above link, but let's talk Obama now. Specifically, his use of new media to communicate a message. His campaign has pundits talking about whether or not he'll be a Web 2.0 president, just like he was in his run for office. If so, he would be the first president to utilize social media. What do you think? How would this benefit/hurt him?

Like Subway, it's no surprise to anyone that companies hope to capitalize by using celebrities to sell products. The latest to get buzz? Gucci and Rihanna...not a lot going on in this ad, but in reference to "image advertising", what's the message here?

And finally, for no reason at all...because a few of my students said this was funny.


Tina said...

I can see mobile tv become popular over the next few years as the they perfect it. Phones have everything else now anyway. Jared has been around for ten years, so yea, it's time for someone new. I think Subway will definitely see a rise in sales because Phelps and Subway both represent a healthy image. Obama as a tech pres-he's basically already considered that and why not take advantage of all media outlets..society will be more involved in the issues and the media can play out the watchdog role better if they're aware of the decisions and ideas developing.

J said...

Mobile TV will definintly become popular. With Michael Phelps as Subway's new face, sales are gonna sore high. Everyone knows Phelps and his athletic/health image, so it only makes sense to have him be their pitchman. Sorry Jared! Obama should keep up his Web 2.0 image. It reaches a wider range of people, especially Generation Y and those tech savvy adults who don't care about politcs. Umm...the Gucci ad is, well, it's a joke. They are not selling purses, they're selling Rhianna. Oh and honestly, if they are trying to get people to buy Gucci, so they can donate the proceeds, they should do a better job.

Meagan A said...

I think that mobile tv will become popular because most people love to have the latest high tech things. For me on there other hand I don't watch much tv, and I can't relate to many people because I dont even know the cast names on the Hills, so for me I wouldn't buy or prob use the new mobile devise. Therefore I do like how Phelps is going to be seen more with subway, I think he is the perfect person for the part :)

Kelley Anne said...

Phelps is one of the most famous men in our country right now, and he is famous for good reason. He had a cameo on Entourage last night...if that's not famous, I don't know what is!