Friday, November 14, 2008

Expect More Ads at the Movies...That Is, If You Still GO to the Movies...

There's no doubt that advertisers are trying to find us, wherever we make be lurking. But this article from AdAge surprised me a little. It talks about how retailers like Gap are placing more targeted spots in movie theaters, hoping to reach consumers there. Do you think this is a good idea on their part? My first thought is, aren't movie sales shrinking as Gen Y occupies itself with other sources of entertainment?

As we've discussed in class, there are two things that happen with movie advertisements: 1) if you show up on time you are a captive audience 2) you know you can be an extra 15 minutes late and don't see the ads at all.

To me, I find ads before movies incredibly annoying. I mean, I just PAID money for a movie ticket and these media companies are still trying to profit? Irritating. I will say, they do a good job of at least making the ads entertaining. (On a media literacy front, I guess it's better to see the clearly labeled ads at the beginning, as opposed to keeping an eye out for hidden product placement.)

So what do you think? With today's economy and a bleak holiday shopping forecast, are more targeted ads in movie theaters the answer retailers are hoping for?


Lillith said...

Maybe it's just the time of year, or the fact that I love making it to movies on time(i love the previews) but the ads don't bother me at all... Plus, during the holidays... the ads are always really positive and put me in a good mood. So, why complain? we should just enjoy them!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think that placing ads in movie theaters is the best way for retailers to advertise. Yes i assume that people go to the movies on time and do not feel bothered by the ads before the movie, but the truth is that the majority of people do not go to the movies on time because they know they have those extra 15 minutes before the movie actually starts and try to avoid the publicity ads. I include myself with that majority of poeople and say that I do like previews but hate the ads before the movies! I'm paying to see a movie, not ads!

Tina said...

I think ads are a good way to advertise because people are forced to watch them. I thought I could get away from ads by seeing more movies at the art museum, but they're everywhere. It's definitely annoying. Although I was at some theatre and they played a pointless 15 minute cartoon that was even more annoying so I don't know! I think they should just play random movie previews during that time; at least that's somewhat interesting.

erinmahoney said...

I really enjoy the previews at the beginning of movies; but in no way do I like watching advertisements. It is a smart move by advertisers though because they have a captive audience; because you can't turn the channel at the movies.

Bruce said...

I like the ads and previews before a movie because I'm never on time to the movies and I know that I have an extra ten or fifteen minutes. If i do make it on time by some miracle, the ads are somewhat entertaining.

Crystal Jenkins said...

I don't think there's anything wrong with more advertisement. I mean the first 15 minutes of the movie is some kind of advertising. Why not advertise more. What is it going hurt?

Holly said...

I think the ads are a good idea because the people that are early to the movies are forced to watch them and can't turn a channel. Plus, they make them entertaining.

Unknown said...

I'm with Erin, I love the previews!! It's the only time that you get to see the really long previews for the up coming movies....and the ads don't really get on my nerves. Like Holly said, we're stuck watching ads at the movies can't fast forward or change the channel:( So the advertisers must be on to something!

Kelley Anne said...

I don't mind the previews, but the ads are a little much...I once saw an ad for nail polish! That's a little much!

Most of the time I plan on being a little late for movies (WHEN I go to the movies about once every 3 months...) because I know that I will not have to sit there and be bombarded with advertisements.

Unknown said...

I've noticed the ads but I must admit they really don't bother me all that much. Although, the U.S. Army ads put out by are starting to get on my nerves due to their repetition every time i go to see a movie. At first they started out with Kid Rock singing a song with clips of what the army does that makes them so recognizable and honorable (which yes, i agree, they are very important, brave individuals who should be given high recognition and honor for the bravery they display for our country) BUT it bothers me how they only seem to show one side of the picture. They don't show the danger they're put in, only the "helping people" side of it. So they're not being honest, and this triggers kids and teens who are watching it to go "Oh, well the reality of war doesn't look so bad or dangerous. I should join the army because then I'll be recognized by others and looked up to; it looks like fun!" You should join if you truly care about your country, not for the recognition that comes along with it. Now they have 3 Doors Down in their advertisements singing about it. Those are the only ads that kind of tick me off though, the other ones I see for Gap and such don't bother me as much. I think the advertisers are smart to put them in before the movie begins because you are being forced to watch them vs. when you Tivo your favorite show on tv, you can quickly fast forward through them. This way it forces you to watch them because you're not the one holding the remote.