Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Moms Take on Motrin and Win

Since we discuss advertising and new media so heavily in class, I thought I'd share with you a very interesting article I read on David Armano's blog, Logic + Emotion.

He tracks a "groundswell" of tech-savvy moms upset and offended by a recent advertisement from the pain reliever, Motrin. It's an interesting example of how quickly an event can grow online and force change. Check it out and leave your reactions below. My guess is Motrin's sales will take a hit from this one...

Oh, and just for fun...for my Matrix-loving-PC-haters, I found this video today I think you'll enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I was watching that ad and at first I was like, oh this isn't so bad. Then when it said it's okay if I look tired and crazy. I can understand why mothers got upset. I also watched the matrix viral video. It was really funny.

Crystal Jenkins said...

Yeah, motrin will definitely take a hit from this. But, I wouldn't worry. The media has a way of retaliating and turning things around in their favor. Let's see what happens next!

Chelsea's Blog said...

I agree with chance. I didn't think it was that bad at first and then it said that's ok if the moms look tired and crazy...i thought that was kind of mean and wasn't really called for. I honestly don't think that it is that big of a deal though.

Anonymous said...

I have to be a fence-rider on this one. I understand where the mother's are coming from; who would want to be pointed out as "tired and crazy"? Exactly, no one would. And to specifically target it at only mom's who wear baby slings, may seem a bit too direct. Though you must keep in mind, just because they used baby sling wearer's in their advertisement, doesn't mean it's only limited to them. I personally think it's directed to all mom's in general. They could've said something like "with your baby never taking a second to stop their wining, it can make you a little tired and crazy looking. But it's okay, because people will see that you have a newborn baby, and will understand why you're that way..." and mom's would still flock and say "that's not fair! you can't say that about us!" but that's just it, it would be about ALL mom's. So I think in that respect, the mom's went overboard just a tad with overacting.