Wednesday, November 19, 2008

YouTube Embed

Here's my video:
Isn't that funny?


Julian said...

I'm going to admit this honestly.... It's a bit funny but there's a lot better. For example my new hair cut!

Crystal Jenkins said...


Kelley Anne said...

This is my favorite youtube video of all time!! SOOO funny....and it gets even funnier every time you watch it!

Meagan A said...

I totally agree with Kelley's comment, this gets funnier the more times u watch it LOL I love it though hahaha

Anonymous said...

haha I have to agree with Kelley and Meagan about the fact that this video does get funnier every time you see it.Honestly, the first time I saw this a while back I thought "thats it?!? well i just watched it again a few times and for some strange reason this video is very funny to me now!
so yeah.. thats why i am commenting on it...

FrankieV said...

How did they make it look like that :-)