Thursday, September 18, 2008

Trend Alert! Sarah Palin's Glasses

Listen up, people! We have a trend alert! Sarah Palin is sparking a glasses frenzy! And that is certainly more important than the weighty issues on the campaign trail.

I'm being facetious here.

Check out this feature story from CNN's Jeanne Moos about Sarah Palin's glasses. Keep in mind Ms. Moos is their feature-type reporter. She's the same one who covered Obama sneezing, so this isn't the lead story of the newscast, if that's what your wondering. But it is making news, nonetheless (along with news of her e-mail being hacked).

Anytime a female politician's wardrobe becomes the focus of attention, I can't help but wonder why? We aren't talking about Barack Obama's shoes or John McCain's suits. What does this media attention say about our values regarding women's appearances? Remember Michelle Obama's speech at the DNC? It was all about her blue dress.

I'm also thinking about the media impact angle here. Let's think celebrities for a second. Typically, we are emulating them by copying their shoes, handbag or car. But with Sarah Palin being the new political celebrity, it's just so funny to me that people are modeling her "look". I can only imagine how various companies must be clamouring to give her free stuff so she will be photographed and videotaped wearing it. Aren't there more important things to talk about?

Tell me what you think.


Sara Gress said...

"Palinize me!" wow, the lengths people go to. I can't believe individuals want so badly to resemble famous people they will even purchase the same eye wear. It doesn’t surprise me though.

Tori Benden said...

The only way the American media knows to deal with an attractive female is by over analyzing her fashion decisions. Heaven forbid a woman be attractive /and/ intelligent. The media manipulate our herd mentality by encouraging these sorts of stories. I bet for every woman buying a pair of those glasses there is another "boycotting" the company that made them...even though they have perfect vision.

Kelley Anne said...

Maybe they just really liked the glasses...

But it this story really makes you wonder if people wore glasses BEFORE Palin came into the mass media....O wait...glasses have been around for a few years right?

Chenae said...

Personally, I think that women (as a rule) care more about appearence than men, so the media is going to jump over new trends. It sells and thats what the media is there for right? Well unfortunately that is how a lot of media is handled. I guess it does have an upside... more people are going to know who Palin is...

Rachel2010 said...

I don't understand why everyone is so worked up about what these women are wearing. We should just focus on the issues at hand and where they stand. But this is America and I am not sure if that is possible.

Chelsea's Blog said...

I honestly wouldn't buy glasses that were 350+ just because someone famous has them...yea it's cool and everything but what if you get them and you don't like them...I would think it would be a waste of money honestly but hey there are people are there that would go the distance just because it is cool. I do like Sarah as a candidate so I'm not going to's just that i wouldn't spend that much money.