Thursday, September 25, 2008

COM 130's LTTGYE Links

Hey, I'm just trying to be like you with the acronyms...

Anyhow, here are the links to today's COM 130 articles. We used these as material for our mini-speed presentations for Let's Talk Tech and the Gen Y Effect. All five are fab and all five are from

Surprise! You text more than you talk!

Does the iPhone have competition now?

Shia's new movie, follow on your phone

KFC monitors 90210

Better late than never in the social networking world, MTV

So, tell me, did you like this second installment better than the last time? I think we were talking about SpinSpotter and campaign ads then. I tried to keep a marketing to Gen Y theme today. You tell me...what kinds of topics to you enjoy debating the most?


Jada said...

I enjoyed all of the articles that we read today in class. They were easier to understand than the previous articles we read, and were more interesting, in my opinion. I thought the article about the phone that Google is putting out was facinating. I had no idea that they were doing that, and it makes me realize how hard companies are trying to keep up with all the new technology today. I feel like I learn a lot when we read these articles and talk about them in class, because it pertains to what is going on currently and gets us thinking about how our generation is affecting the world today.

Jill Falk said...

Thanks, Jada. I will keep more articles like this coming!

ErinLee said...

I think that articles like these are very useful to our class because they not only have so much to do with what we are learning about and keeping up with whats going on in the field we all hope to work in one day but also because it is interesting. Technology is our thing we love the latest touch screen whatevers and how fast we can download. This is why reading these articles keep us interested, we want to know. Learning of the power points is great and all but something we learned at the start of the semester is that you have to keep our attention with something all the time because our attention span is so short. Basically this was a good way to get us to learn and still keep our minds going. (these little word verification things are annoying)