Friday, March 27, 2009

Twitter, Blogs and Wikis for Elementary School Students

I am absolutley floored by this article from The Telegraph! (Kudos to Jessica too for mentioning the issue in her blog). I'm floored in a good way, I might add! It's hard for me to imagine this "radical" idea of teaching our young people how to use new media and technology coming here to our U.S. schools anytime soon, but we can hope, right? (There is media literacy education going on though--but we need more!)

I've barraged you with talks of blogging, Twitter, and the like in my courses because as future media professionals, I believe it's important you learn about these platforms. You're already there for social reasons, how can you use new media to start building your personal brand and networking for your future career?

Gone are the days were we can just teach you about standard mediums like radio, newspapers, television. While all still exist, there's a convergence component to them that is the way of the future. Wouldn't it be beneficial to begin learning about new media in school?

My question to you though: is there an age cut-off for when these types of new media should be taught? Is a six-years old too young to be blogging and tweeting? What are your thoughts on this article?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I do think 6 years old is way to early. Children of this age should still be focusing on their fundementals lol, like the alphabet.