Wednesday, March 25, 2009

COM 130 Job Hunt Challenge - In-Class 3/25

Today in Survey of Professional Media, we're doing something different! I would like you to get a sense of what job listings for radio, television, print, and associated internships look like. Using this jobfile link from the Illinois News Broadcasters Associaion, pick one ENTRY-LEVEL job or internship that you would be interested in.

Next, research the station, agency or company you have selected. Next, write a blog post about it, and provide links within your answers below.
  • Where is the job/internship located?
  • Who is the parent owner of the agency/station?
  • What interests you about the job?
  • What can you be doing while a student at Lindenwood University to prepare for a career in your chosen industry and at this station or agency?
Your blog is due at the end of the class today. You can earn up to 15 points for participating. When you're done, come back to the classroom and let me know you've finished. You do not have to worry about a word count, and you do not have to submit to

*I realize many of you are interested in advertising, and posts on this jobfile do not include advertising. However, look under public relations, and see if there are any promotions-type jobs available. Most radio and television stations have a promotions department that takes staff and interns.

*Also, if you have a preferred place (meaning, you already know about it, you're not spending time looking for one today) of looking for a job or internship instead of the link I've provided above from INBA, feel free to use your own! Just make sure that you link back to it.


We will discuss some of your findings on Friday.

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