Friday, March 27, 2009

Twitter, Blogs and Wikis for Elementary School Students

I am absolutley floored by this article from The Telegraph! (Kudos to Jessica too for mentioning the issue in her blog). I'm floored in a good way, I might add! It's hard for me to imagine this "radical" idea of teaching our young people how to use new media and technology coming here to our U.S. schools anytime soon, but we can hope, right? (There is media literacy education going on though--but we need more!)

I've barraged you with talks of blogging, Twitter, and the like in my courses because as future media professionals, I believe it's important you learn about these platforms. You're already there for social reasons, how can you use new media to start building your personal brand and networking for your future career?

Gone are the days were we can just teach you about standard mediums like radio, newspapers, television. While all still exist, there's a convergence component to them that is the way of the future. Wouldn't it be beneficial to begin learning about new media in school?

My question to you though: is there an age cut-off for when these types of new media should be taught? Is a six-years old too young to be blogging and tweeting? What are your thoughts on this article?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

COM 130 Job Hunt Challenge - In-Class 3/25

Today in Survey of Professional Media, we're doing something different! I would like you to get a sense of what job listings for radio, television, print, and associated internships look like. Using this jobfile link from the Illinois News Broadcasters Associaion, pick one ENTRY-LEVEL job or internship that you would be interested in.

Next, research the station, agency or company you have selected. Next, write a blog post about it, and provide links within your answers below.
  • Where is the job/internship located?
  • Who is the parent owner of the agency/station?
  • What interests you about the job?
  • What can you be doing while a student at Lindenwood University to prepare for a career in your chosen industry and at this station or agency?
Your blog is due at the end of the class today. You can earn up to 15 points for participating. When you're done, come back to the classroom and let me know you've finished. You do not have to worry about a word count, and you do not have to submit to

*I realize many of you are interested in advertising, and posts on this jobfile do not include advertising. However, look under public relations, and see if there are any promotions-type jobs available. Most radio and television stations have a promotions department that takes staff and interns.

*Also, if you have a preferred place (meaning, you already know about it, you're not spending time looking for one today) of looking for a job or internship instead of the link I've provided above from INBA, feel free to use your own! Just make sure that you link back to it.


We will discuss some of your findings on Friday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The 2009 Lindy's - You're Invited!

The Lindenwood University School of Communications will present its 2009 Lindy Awards Show on Thursday evening, March 26th, at 7 pm, in the Black Box Theatre, in the J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts. Awards will be given out to students and faculty for their videos, writing, and acting achievement. The students also write, produce, and emcee the show.

Assistant Director of the Missouri Film Commission Andrea Sporcic (Class of ’99) will receive the Communications Alum of the Year Award. She’s had a busy year so far, and you can come out and ask her about the new George Clooney film in our town.

Also, news reporter Mike Garrity, from KSDK-TV, will be a guest host. Come celebrate the best of the best work from 2008-2009. It’s a night when the stars will definitely come out.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Introducing: @LU_Comm_School

The Lindenwood University School of Communications now has a home on Twitter! Be sure to follow us, @LU_Comm_School, when you sign up for your account.

We'll be posting news and updates impacting our students and faculty, as well as relevant articles and issues important to current and future media professionals! Right now, two of our faculty members are on Twitter: myself @jillfalk, and Dr. Lively, @dudelively.

We hope to see you there soon, and thanks for the follow!

Matrix Runs on Windows

Here's the video we didn't have time to watch because you were all worked up about this blogger's post.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Getting Started on Your Tweets

By April 17th, I would like for my COM 130 students to have a Twitter account, and be familiar with how it works. On that day, the Keyword Search Assignment will be about social media. As a media professor, I feel I would be doing you a disservice if you did not understand Twitter by the end of the semester.

I'm giving you some lead time, because, unlike Facebook or Myspace, Twitter takes some time to really get involved with and understand. You'll need to check in on the "tweets" from the folks you've chosen to follow for a while. You'll need to understand "replies", and ways to "brand" your tweets.

Here's a short video featuring Twitter creator Evan Williams on how Twitter evolved. It's from TedTalks (one of my favorite websites, by the way):

While there's no shortage of Twitter information available online, I've selected a few websites and articles I think you'll find helpful. I hope they help you get started on your Twitter journey:

PCMag's Top 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners
Twitip - a blog dedicated to using Twitter

Once you set up your account, look for me @jillfalk. Then, check out who my followers are and start adding familiar names. Good luck my Tweeps!

Your Personal Brand

Today in COM 130 we discussed the concept of "personal branding". While there's no shortage of information available via a Google search, I thought I'd leave a few links for you, should you be curious to learn more.

Here is the Slideshare presentation we used in class today from personal branding guru Dan Schawbel. What did you take away from this discussion?

For a good laugh, check out this SNL skit the blog Sheer Brandage wrote about. On a more serious note, see how these journalists are prepping for a job by developing their personal brand using these kick-butt websites. Also, here's the link to Doug Kamm's website, the Lindenwood University student who has created an easy online portfolio.

I’ll leave you with three key ideas from my very good friend and former colleague, Kammie Kobyleski, who is a strong believer in personal branding (follow her on Twitter @KammieK):

"My biggest advice would be to keep 3 things in mind:

Authenticity - Be who YOU are and be it LOUD and proud (focus on your strengths).

Clarity - Be crystal clear who YOU are, "niche thyself"...don't try to be everything to everyone...Guy Kawasaki says "polarize people"...some will love you some will
not, it's your tribe and leave the rest.

Consistency - Once you've identified your strengths and values, be it over and over...the way you dress, write emails, correspond by phone, in person is ALL a reflection of brand YOU."

I believe the key idea for college students like you to keep in mind is...DON'T WAIT! I swear I feel like your mother, er, I mean big sister, repeating this caveat of knowledge constantly - DON'T WAIT! In other words, define and design your personal brand now.

The walls between the college classroom and the real world are imaginary. You are already in the real world.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do You Think This Guy Stepped Over the Line?

Here's a video that's being called, "the rant of the year". CNBC correspondent Rick Santelli reports from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade, but on the morning of February 19th, he went a little off script...

Do you think this was out of line? Or, do you welcome this kind of rhetoric from our cable news folks? His rant became so infamous, even White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs had to respond.

Making Fun of Twitter

Since we've discussed Twitter so much in both COM 130 and COM 327, I thought you would enjoy this clip from comedian Jon Stewart. Whether you like or dislike him, his take on the Twitter phenomenon is pretty funny. Enjoy.