Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Your Personal Brand

Today in COM 130 we discussed the concept of "personal branding". While there's no shortage of information available via a Google search, I thought I'd leave a few links for you, should you be curious to learn more.

Here is the Slideshare presentation we used in class today from personal branding guru Dan Schawbel. What did you take away from this discussion?

For a good laugh, check out this SNL skit the blog Sheer Brandage wrote about. On a more serious note, see how these journalists are prepping for a job by developing their personal brand using these kick-butt websites. Also, here's the link to Doug Kamm's website, the Lindenwood University student who has created an easy online portfolio.

I’ll leave you with three key ideas from my very good friend and former colleague, Kammie Kobyleski, who is a strong believer in personal branding (follow her on Twitter @KammieK):

"My biggest advice would be to keep 3 things in mind:

Authenticity - Be who YOU are and be it LOUD and proud (focus on your strengths).

Clarity - Be crystal clear who YOU are, "niche thyself"...don't try to be everything to everyone...Guy Kawasaki says "polarize people"...some will love you some will
not, it's your tribe and leave the rest.

Consistency - Once you've identified your strengths and values, be it over and over...the way you dress, write emails, correspond by phone, in person is ALL a reflection of brand YOU."

I believe the key idea for college students like you to keep in mind is...DON'T WAIT! I swear I feel like your mother, er, I mean big sister, repeating this caveat of knowledge constantly - DON'T WAIT! In other words, define and design your personal brand now.

The walls between the college classroom and the real world are imaginary. You are already in the real world.

1 comment:

Julie T. said...

I thought the class on personal branding was a really good lesson. It's definitely a wake up call to start networking and establishing myself now.

love the SNL video by the way...