Friday, December 12, 2008

It's Been Fun!


Well, that's it! It's the end of the semester! I just wanted to leave you with a final note, letting you know what a privilege it has been to be your professor for the past few months. Your creativity and excitement about the world remind me every day why I am a teacher.

To my COM 130 students...

Many of you indicated you would keep blogging after this course, and I am so excited hear that news. Please stay in touch, and keep me posted about any changes you make to your blog addresses. I did my best to categorize your blogs on the right...I suspect I'll be making some changes to it after the holiday break.

Don't be a stranger, and visit often!

Thank you,

Jill Falk

1 comment:

Rachel2010 said...

Hey Jill
How do we know our grade for our blogs?