Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just Because I Think You'd Enjoy These...

Social Networking Wars, from Current:

You Can Vote However You Liiiiiike (click here for lyrics)


Julian said...

That has to be the greatest remix of all time.

Ryan said...

the social networking video we watched in class made me laugh for days

Tina said...

my class didn't watch this, but it's very cute and funny it's great to get kids involved early

Jennifer said...

lol i thought this was so funnny and creative

Breanna said...

The myspace vs facebook was awesome. I think my favorite part was when the myspace said "You use to log in 100 times a day..." Its true we all did!

Crystal Jenkins said...

That was awesome and scripted very well. The rap wasn't bias...It was actually tasteful! Way to go kids!