Monday, April 6, 2009

COM 130 - Gen Y Article Review

Don't forget, your next Gen Y Article Review blog post is due on Wednesday, 4/8. It's 350 words, 20 points, needs to be submitted to TurnItIn. You have two options for this assignment: you can select an article from our class reader like usual, or you can review this article from Newsweek about "Generation Diva".

I find it particularly interesting, since we will be hitting the advertising chapter soon. For those of you who have already taken COM 327 Media Literacy, this article should be very easy for you to review. For those that choose this article, your blog can be more of your reaction to the material covered, since it deals more with the very youngest of Generation Y, but mostly, Generation Z. Ladies, feel free to share your own personal experiences with this as well, since you might be able to relate to it more than the guys in the class.

For everyone else who sticks with a current events article from the class reader, make sure you do relate the article to how it impacts Gen Y.

See you on Wednesday! I guess we'll only be seeing each other once this week, since there isn't class on Friday.

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