Sunday, August 24, 2008

Would You Choose Your College Because of Facebook Ads?

Once again, another entity has wised up to the use of social networking sites with the hopes of capturing your eyes, and eventually, your dollars. This time it's various colleges and universities. Check out this Ad Age article and tell me what you think.

Is using Facebook a great way to get your attention? Why do you think it's more effective/less effective than the traditional means of advertising? Finally, what about Lindenwood? Would you like to see Lindenwood University place ads on social networking sites?


Lillith Renee said...

I don't believe that I would choose my college based on one ad no matter where I see it. However, I might look at the school and see what it is about, if it wasn't one that I had known about already. I think Lindenwood could only benefit from things like internet ads on social networking sites such as facebook. A large percentege of their target audience is connected those internet social networks.

Jill Falk said...

Erin Renee, You win the award for the first comment! Way to go!

Neal S said...
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Neal S said...
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Andrew said...

I believe college ads on Facebook are a great idea for colleges and students alike. The ads could influence some to at least take a look at a school previously unknown to them. Facebook is a great tool that keeps people connected, and most highschool students are Facebook users, thus making it the premere way to reach the corect demographic. I see this as a more effective form of advertising than the typical post cards and informational packet... which are important, but facebook is the place to be for this demographic. Lindenwood does a good job recruting, locally and internationally, and even they could benefit from a Facbook ad. So yes, I would like to see Lindenwood ads on social networking sites.

Trevor said...

I think that ads on facebook, myspace and other websites are a pretty good idea. I think between all the social online networks there are now, it is a bigger audience than TV or radio. A bigger audience meens potentially more students which meens more money. The ads help get across the message for schools that may not have the funds to pay for expensive TV or radio ads. I don't think I would personally choose a college by online ads but it could be helpful for students from other countries(like the man in the article). I choose Lindenwood because of location and it had the program I was looking for. If there weren't online ads most people probably wouldn't have heard of University of Phoenix or other online schools like it.

Tori Benden said...

While I wouldn't chose my university because of a facebook placement, there are very few institutions that would not benefit from more exposure. When we're talking about exposure directly to your target audience on a global would be foolish to refuse such an opportunity. When I was on my college search, there were plenty of schools contacting me and dozens of others I was exposed to. I can honestly say that in most cases the right wording and timing led me to at least get more information on the school.

It's a new where text message alert networks and internet advertisements grasp our demographic far more effectively than billboards or radio spots.

Sara Gress said...

I think that its obvious that placing college ads on facebook is a great idea. Were definitely a generation that thrives off of technoloy, and what better way to get our attention by doing that "work" for us and placing it somewhere that most students spend 95% of their time. I think that LU would only be helping themselves by placing a facebook ad out their!!

ITS-GERDES! said...

No, college should be about a good school, not based on advertising. But it's funny now, have you noticed? They have designed cookies and cache programs to hack your profiles on myspace and facebook, and they are using them to sell to advertisers! if you look closely, now, you will see ads on your home page that relate indiosyncraticly to you. creepy huh? They're in our heads even more now.

matthew r. said...

I think colleges can get your attention from facebook, but not necessarily your admission. I also don't think that lindenwood should advertise anywhere, because then i have to wait longer in the lunch line.

Matt said...

Save your money! I dont beleive that seeing an add on Facebook would make me want to attend a school. Internet advertising isnt cheap these days. Although, as Erin said, placing adds can only help the school, the question is, is it truly needed?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure whether I would choose my college because of facebook but I definitely think that advertising through facebook is a great way for colleges, especially small ones that aren't really known by a lot of people to get out there and become known by more people. We are all aware of what facebook has become in our society. Everyone has facebook nowadays, especially college students. I believe that it is a positive thing for universities to advertise on facebook.

Julian said...

I believe that the social networking sites are just about the best way to advertise anything. Almost everyone who is above the age of 16 either has a myspace or facebook account and with that many people on something a few people are bound to be interested in whatever someones advertising. I alone am on facebook everyday on my phone just whenever I get bored. And for the seeing Lindenwood advertised on it...I really don't mind to much for it.

Rachel2010 said...

I don't think I would pick a school just because of an ad on facebook. When I think of really well known schools like Washington University I could never imagine them marketing themselves on facebook. I think the best promotion is word of mouth.

Jacob S said...

I think it's great if a college wants to use facebook for advertising. On the other side of that, I would never choose a college because of an ad on facebook. Then again maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to advertise on facebook. Most of the time I ignore the nonsense floating around my screen. More power to LU if they would use social networking sites to advertise; the campus may become even more diverse than it already is.

Alana said...

I believe that college Facebook pages are ingenious way for colleges to get attention to the exact consumers they want- high school and college kids. How many friends do you know without a Facebook? Not too many… People want what is easy, and I imagine that sitting on Facebook looking at a campus is a whole lot less effort than the one-mile hike that I took in FREBRUARAY to check out the LU. If everyone is there and just ‘ah clickin’ away why not take advantage of that opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I cannot say I would choose my college solely based upon an ad. I doubt anyone would. However, I do believe that since Facebook is such a large market, it is a good idea for colleges and universities to advertise on and related pages. I have not seen any Lindenwood advertisements online. Facebook, Google, and other popular Internet destinations for high school students would definitely be a good place to start.

Holly said...

I would not choose my college based on an ad on facebook. Some people don't even look at ads on facebook, I know I don't. I believe word of mouth is better and better yet actually visiting the college so you can see first hand. Facebook may be a good site for ads, but college is one of the most important things in your life and I don't think you should choose a college based off an ad alone.

Chenae said...

I personally am not the biggest facebook user, but I have many friends who are. I know plenty of my girl friends are on there for at least two hours a day, and they look at everything! This being the case, I think that it would be a good idea to put ads on facebook.m

Anonymous said...

I chuckled when I saw this discussion because of the irony of it all. Let me explain... I was on Facebook today, looked to my left, and what did I see? That's right, an ad that said: "Hey LU Peeps: Want a fast, easy, and free way to receive a Lindenwood University scholarship worth $10,000? We've got them here." (Well, what can I say? I'm an addict when it comes to Facebook.) Now I know that Lindenwood was most likely not personally responsible for the placement of this ad, I'm sure it's one of those crafty and devious sites that can locate and tell in what area you live and what networks you're a part of, but either way, I'm not going to lie, when I first saw this, despite the shock of irony, my immediate thought was "how cheap!" And I don't mean "how cheap" as in a good way such as, "what a great way to advertise for such little cost" I mean, "how desperate do you have to be to sink as low as to place an advertisement for your UNIVERSITY on a teenage social website." You may think differently, and I don't mean to sound like I'm looking down on LU at all because I'm not, it's just that I didn't work hard in high school for four years, get a decent ACT score, apply and get accepted into this school to one day find that it's being cheapened by declaring to the world that "we're here for everyone and their brother to come join!" I'm not saying we're better than everyone else, but we're the ones paying for this education, and I think most everyone will agree with me on this one: between room/board, books, and tuition, it's not cheap! So don't you think our school and its fellow students deserve a little respect and praise to know they've been accepted into such a great school? Where did all the expectations go? And what about the standards and requirements?

Jake Lopez said...

I decided upon Lindenwood through research and reputation. Reputation does play a large role for schools like Harvard and Yale. I think that students should choose their school based upon their best educated judgement. Obviously, I can only speak for myself, but I believe that to be the most intelligent thing to do. College is a big decision for anyone, so a quick reference from Facebook or Myspace really can't justify the true benefits of that school or any others... I would just say to do your research.

Chelsea's Blog said...

I wouldn't choose a college based on an ad. I usually just ignore ads anyways. I would want to choose a college by visiting it. If I were to choose a college from a cool ad, it would be very risky because you wouldn't know if you really like it or not. By visiting, you can look at the campus and really get a feel on how you like it and if it's the right school for you.