Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seth Godin "Tribes" TED Talk

Students - when things settle down after finals, and you're back home and relaxed, check out this video from Seth Godin. It's inspiring, and I hope it motivates you for the summer. If nothing else, spend some time on his website linked above, it's great material for anyone, especially communications folks. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

COM 130, You Crack Me Up!

I keep FORGETTING to tell you how funny this video is - several of you posted it, and similar videos, in your Keyword Search: Social Media blogs. We didn't have much time to talk about it that day, perhaps because I was talking about Twitter too much, but anyhow, so I don't forget...how hilarious is this?

Also, Laura, thanks for the Tea Partay video, cracked me up too!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Media Talk Links: COM327

The new Amazon Kindle - NYT Story - CNN Story:

"Future of Journalism" Senate Hearing:
Huffington Post -

NECN Video:

YouTube - the future of entertainment?
ABC's new channel