Monday, February 9, 2009

Tweet It Up, Cool v. Creepy and Meet Jonathan

While browsing my favorite media news sites, I ran across a few articles that tie in with our discussion today in COM 130. I would like you to take a look at them as well.

Twitter what? Twitter who?
(Note: I refrained from linking related Jay-Z YouTube video above. I bet the song is still in your head anyway.)
First, read why Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, isn't running scared during these tough economic times. What do you like about his business philosophy? What rings true to you as a member of Gen Y?
More interestingly...towards the end of the article, (yes, I'd like you to read the whole thing) learn about Twitter breaking the story of the U.S. Airways plane landing in the Hudson River, before many people heard about it on the news.

If you are so inclined--visit Twitter, and sign up for an account yourself to see what all of the fuss is about. Look me up! A word of warning: I haven't updated in a few months.
Cool or Creepy?

After your personal Twitterfest, check out some links about so-called, "mobile social-networking". Do you think it's the next big thing, or just plain creepy? As for some examples, I hear a lot of talk about Brightkite. Meantime, here's a program called Loopt, promoted in an iPhone commercial:

And if you check out nothing've got to see this.
Your Future Career?
Oh, I almost forgot. Just to prove the job "social media strategist" really does exist, meet Jonathan Coffman. (I believe his official title is "Social Media and Online Community Management Specialist".)
Hmmm...very interesting what he wrote about today. I had no idea, I promise.
Look around his website and check out what exactly he's been up to. Could you have his job? Would you want to? It looks like he would be more than happy to talk to you about his job if you reach out to him.